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Li Ming
Time:2022-01-20       Author:       Click:

Li Ming, male, doctor of management, is currently a lecturer at the Institute of National Development and Security Studies of Jilin University.He has published more than 20 academic papers in Chinese core journals. His current research directions are national security strategy, network social governance, public security and public policy.

Research projects

1.Participate in the major project of the National Social Science Fund:“Research on the Community Home-based Elderly Care Model and Quality Safety System Based on Blockchain”(2021)

2.Participate in the National Social Science Fund Youth Project:“Research on the Realization Mechanism of‘Evidence-Based’Major Decision-making Social Stability Risk Assessment in the Big Data Environment”(2020)

3.Participated in the Liaoning Provincial Social Science Foundation Youth Project:“Research on the Optimization of Liaoning Province's Business Environment Driven by Big Data in the Internet + Era”(2019)

4.Participated in the research project of a new type of think tank in Heilongjiang Province:“Research on the Early Warning Mechanism of Social Network Public Opinion in Heilongjiang Province”(2018)

5.Participated in the general project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China:“Research on B2B Complex Contract Negotiation Model Based on Hybrid Intelligent Computing”(2016)

Main academic papers

1.Communication-styleGovernance:A Logic Study of Government Response to Public Opinion in Emergencies—Based on the Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Fuzzy Sets of 40 Emergencies (2020)

2.Comparative Research on Artificial Intelligence Policies of China's Central and Local Governments:A Three-Dimensional Analysis Framework(2020)

3. Research on the occurrence mechanism of network public opinion in emergencies from the perspective of information ecology—based on a clear set of 40 emergencies and a qualitative comparison (2020)

4.The Development of Foreign Time Banks in the Background of Aging and Its Enlightenment to my country's Mutual Aid Care (2019)

5. China's Internet Public Opinion Research for 13 Years (2005-2017):Theory, Method and Practice (2019)

6. Research on Risk Assessment of Network Public Opinion Facing PublicEmergencies—Taking the3.21Xiangshui Chemical Enterprise Explosion

Incident Cases (2019)

7. Research on Internet Public Opinion Guidance and Control in Colleges and Universities Based on Symbiosis Theory—Model Construction and Empirical Analysis (2019)

8. Service Quality Evaluation of Chinese Government Data Open Platform—An Empirical Analysis Based on Entropy Weight TOPSIS(2020)

9. The Governance Reflection and Path Expansion of China's Internet Public Opinion in the Era of Big Data—Based onTechnical Governance PathEmbedded


10. Simulation Analysis of Social Network Public Opinion Coping Strategies Based on System Dynamics —Taking theYabuli Incidentas Example(2019)

11. Research on the Public Opinion Guidance and Control Mechanism of Mobile Social Networks from the Perspective of Symbiosis Theory(2019)

12. Research on the Construction of Virtual Organic Community Governance Model from the Perspective of Mobile Internet (2018)

13. Research on the Construction and Guarantee Mechanism of the Virtual Organic Farm Model in Heilongjiang Province (2017)

14. Research on Mobile Social Network Public Opinion Early Warning Model Based on AHP-Fuzzy Comprehensive Analysis (2017)

15. Research on Influencing Factors of Multi-agent Response to Internet Public Opinion Based on System Dynamics (2017)

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Copyright: School of public diplomacy, Jilin University, 2020